Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies in the Humanities

Twenty-First Century

Refugees in the Spanish Media

edited by Antonio M. Bañón Hernández, Eman Mhanna and Bernard McGuirk

Refugees in the Spanish Media
  • 264 pp. ISBN 9781905510740
  • Date of Publication: 14 May 2023

Displacement caused by the need to flee poverty, catastrophe and conflict is the starkest of realities for its many victims. This volume contributes to our knowledge, interpretation and understanding of one of today’s most extreme forms of suffering, that experienced by refugees.

One of the keynotes in the studies in the book is the determination to identify the nature and causes of the said displacements. It involves case-by-case analyses, in and beyond media representations, of the particularities of the plights of different refugee groups, the treatment undergone in their places of arrival, and the social and political repercussions of their reception. The main focus is on the handling of the refugee crisis in the last decade in Spain, and its coverage in the national press and audiovisual media.

The approach is multidisciplinary, drawing on discourse analysis, media corpus studies and critical theory. Evidence is adduced across a broad range of institutional activities, including those of social networks, political and journalistic organisations, NGOs and civic platforms, and various “welcome movements”. Considerable attention is paid to the representation of refugee children, as well as to frontier identities, television news coverage, and literary and cinematic treatments of refugees.

Refugees in the Spanish Media is a striking contribution to our perception of a major dilemma of our time. By dint of its marked interdisciplinary scope and ambition it reaches well beyond its academic origins to enlighten all committed to deepening their thinking and action concerning those fleeing persecution for their ideas, beliefs or ethnic identities, or escaping wars and conflicts in general.

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Línea de sombra: El no sujeto de lo político (Segunda edición, revisada)

by Alberto Moreiras, con un prefacio de Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott

Línea de sombra: El no sujeto de lo político (Segunda edición, revisada)
  • 262 pp. ISBN 9781912399161
  • Date of Publication: 9 April 2021

La identificación de práctica política y subjetividad es una deriva de la época particularmente perniciosa para el pensamiento de izquierdas. Si la pregunta de toda posible política emancipatoria es necesariamente una pregunta por la igualdad y por la libertad, se hace necesaria una interrogación explícita acerca del resto enigmático que condiciona toda política y al mismo tiempo excede la subjetividad del agente, al que este libro llama subalternidad. La subalternidad es el no sujeto de la política. Darse cuenta de ello impone la obligación de una crítica de la noción dominante de sujeto de la política y al mismo tiempo fuerza a pensar en qué podría consistir una política conmensurable con el pensamiento del no sujeto de la historia. Ambas instancias son necesarias para cruzar la línea de sombra que amenaza crecientemente con ocupar nuestro horizonte, si es que no se lo ha comido ya irreversiblemente.

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Tercer espacio y otros relatos

by Alberto Moreiras, con un prólogo de Gareth Williams

Tercer espacio y otros relatos
  • 513 pp. ISBN 9781912399215
  • Date of Publication: 9 April 2021

La literatura del tercer espacio y la noción misma de tercer espacio remiten a una región de experiencia no mimética, no identitaria, rebelde a la ontoteología tan metida en la médula de la producción de pensamiento en español. Preocupaciones posteriores a la primera publicación de Tercer espacio: Literatura y duelo en América Latina (1999), de infrapolítica a marranismo, del desencanto universitario al goce desnarrativizante, de la crítica de las formas de la política realmente existente a la afirmación existencial, del republicanismo democrático a una cierta imposibilidad de arte, complementan su configuración. Este libro se ofrece como testimonio de una vida parcialmente dedicada a la observación y estudio de lo que permanece salvaje y subversivo en la misma tradición canónica y de una práctica teórica no controlable ni aceptable en los cada vez más exhaustos salones de clase y salas de seminario universitarias.

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City of God in Several Voices: Brazilian Social Cinema in Action

edited by Else R. P. Vieira

City of God in
                                                  Several Voices:
                                                  Brazilian Social
                                                  Cinema in Action
  • 217 pp. ISBN 9781905510009
  • Date of Publication: 1 September 2005

The national and international box-office hit City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles, pushed the frontiers of the world’s and of Brazilian film-making and has triggered a debate on the achievement of the commercial film in advancing a social cause. In Brazil, its social action started when it premièred in 2002, during the presidential campaigns. It exposed a social wound in Brazilian society: the explosive, perverse process whereby drugs and guns have empowered a desiring mass of the destitute and have been forced upon children subjected to the interests of the dealers. The camera, always shooting the gangsters from low angles, suggests the children’s perception of them as idols.The film demanded an immediate political response. The voices of public figures, such as the then presidential candidate, Lula da Silva, the leader of the Cidade de Deus slum, and the writer of the book that gave rise to the film, engaged in heated polemics. The far from consensual views of critics analysed the success of the film’s language in advancing the social agenda of poverty, exclusion, violence, and racism.

This volume on City of God poses many questions. How successful has the film been in partially using a universally recognisable film language to take this national reality across frontiers? Does the use of some of the conventions of an international film language clash with the demands of the audio- visual within Brazil? What are the implications of the internationalisation of Brazilian film for the professionalisation of the director and his teamwork strategy?

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Landless Voices: A New Generation
The Movimento Dos Sem Terra Of Brazil In Song And Poetry

edited by Else R. P. Vieira

Landless Voices: A New Generation
                                                  The Movimento Dos Sem Terra Of Brazil In Song And Poetry
  • Second, expanded edition
  • 392 pp. ISBN 9781912399147
  • Date of Publication: 3 November 2020
“This landmark anthology brings to an international audience those cultural and political acts in which the Sem Terra express their poetry, music, painting and art. The lettered and the unlettered interact in the building of a consciousness of the struggle for land and education. It is a rousing tribute.”BERNARDO MANÇANO FERNANDES, UNESCO Chair in Territorial Development and Education for the Countryside

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Silviano Santiago in Conversation

edited by Macdonald Daly and Else R. P. Vieira

                                                  Santiago in
  • 64 pp. ISBN 9781912399123
  • Date of Publication: 1 December 1999

This book was the first to introduce Silviano Santiago, the renowned Brazilian novelist, theorist and critic, to an English-speaking audience. It surveys Santiago’s theorisations of Brazilian modernism, (including his key concepts of ‘in-betweenness’ and ‘hybridity’); examines his literary critical and fictional relations to postmodernism; and presents Santiago’s voice in a unique five-way dialogue with some of his most celebrated readers.

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Hers Ancient and Modern: Women’s Writing in Spain and Brazil

edited by Catherine Davies and Jane Whetnall

Hers Ancient and
                                                  Women’s Writing
                                                  in Spain and
  • 157 pp. ISBN 9781912399086
  • Date of Publication: 22 August 2019

Hers Ancient and Modern is a facsimile reprint of a pioneering contribution to the study of women’s writing in Spain and Brazil, first published in 1997.

From medieval Spanish authors Constanza de Castilla and Teresa de Cartagena to Teresa de Ávila in the sixteenth century, María de Zayas in the seventeenth, and Ana María Matute, Esther Tusquets, Carmen Martín Gaite and Cristina Fernández in the twentieth, these essays do full justice to the long tradition of quality women’s writing in Spain.

Complemented by fine studies on contemporary Spanish poet María Sanz and leading Brazilian authors Clarice Lispector and Lygia Fagundes Telles, as well as a survey of women novelists included in the Hispanic canon in the United States in the mid-1990s (Carmen Laforet, Martín Gaite and Matute), the book points the way to the full reinstatement of these authors and demonstrates the value of studying women’s writing across geographical and chronological boundaries.

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Haroldo de Campos in Conversation

edited by Bernard McGuirk and Else R. P. Vieira

Haroldo de
                                                  Campos in
  • 345 pp. ISBN 9781905510559
  • Date of Publication: 1 August 2009

This extensive volume of essays includes seminal texts by Jacques Derrida, Umberto Eco, Severo Sarduy, Ángel Rama and Octavio Paz, among other distinguished intellectuals, and provides an indispensable introduction to the poetry, literary criticism and translation theory of Haroldo de Campos

As the contributors to this memorial collection definitively show, he will be acknowledged not only as an inspired poet and as a daring critic but also as a sans pareil translator himself who, as the formulator of a new translation theory, has left many extraordinary “transcreations”.

It is Umberto Eco who best captured the stature of Haroldo de Campos when he described him as “a fine connoisseur of many literatures" and “one of the great poets of our time”.

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MemoSur/MemoSouth: Memory, Commemoration and Trauma in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Chile

edited by Adam Sharman, Milena Grass Kleiner, Anna Maria Lorusso and Sandra Savoini

MemoSur/MemoSouth: Memory, Commemoration
                                                  and Trauma in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Chile
  • 426 pp. ISBN 9781905510504
  • Date of Publication: 1 June 2017

The dictatorships of Chile and Argentina lasted from 1973 to 1989 and from 1976 to 1983, respectively. The two countries have thus long since entered the time of commemoration and of a new politics of memory. How, though, to remember and commemorate trauma as a political body, without reducing memory and commemoration to political calculation?

New social movements have proposed a different sociability of mourning (one is not supposed to dance at funerals…), a new politics and culture of affect. Social media allow us to remember traumas that were never experienced first-hand. More than ever, memory is mediated by technology.This volume examines such matters in a series of essays covering the centres of detention, museums and memory sites, film, documentary, television, theatre, fiction and the press, LGBT and other testimonies, education, accusatory practices, the politics of memory and mourning, and the Abuelas of the Plaza de Mayo. They deal with the memory, commemoration and trauma of the Pinochet and March 1976 coups, and of the Falklands-Malvinas war in an exploration of post-dictatorship Argentina and Chile. The result of a European Union-funded project involving academics, war veterans and politicians from Argentina, Chile and Europe, the volume will be of interest to scholars of history, memory studies, post-conflict studies, feminist and LGBT studies, cultural and theatre studies, and trauma studies.

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Presidential Voices of Latin America

by Daniel Filmus

Presidential Voices of Latin America
  • 162 pp. ISBN 9781905510641
  • Date of Publication: 30 July 2017

For this new English edition, Daniel Filmus has added a long introduction reflecting on the changes in Latin American politics since his book of interviews with Latin American presidents was first published in Spanish.

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Cuba on the Edge: Short Stories from the Island

edited and translated by Mary G. Berg, Pamela Carmell and Anne Fountain

Cuba on the Edge: Short Stories from the Island
  • 238 pp. ISBN 9781905510047
  • Date of Publication: 30 April 2007

Cuba on the Edge presents recent short stories by twenty-one of the best writers on the island. The title refers both to Cubans’ awareness of living on the brink of an unknown future, and to the edginess with which they negotiate their way through uncertainties.

These twenty-one perspectives reveal very diverse responses to the challenges of daily life. Some stories are set in Havana, while others depict rural or small-town Cuba. Many analyse gender roles and gender politics, as well as depicting economic stress and ingenious coping strategies. Some tales are dark, while others are hilarious. Some voices remember the past, and others imagine the future. Many stories address controversial topics: prostitution, crime, exile, disillusionment, scepticism. But the predominant tone is of reaffirmation of human ties and survival, and of celebration of the complex strata of Cuban experience.

The three editors who have assembled this collection, are professional U.S. translators and teachers. They first met in Havana in January 2000 at a gathering of U.S. and Cuban writers organized by Writers of the Americas and the Cuban National Union of Writers and Artists, and have been translating the work of contemporary Cuban writers ever since.

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In Dialogue With Saramago: Essays in Comparative Literature

edited by Adriana Alves de Paula Martins and Mark Sabine

In Dialogue With Saramago: Essays in Comparative Literature
  • 204 pp. ISBN 9781912399185
  • Date of Publication: 22 February 2021

At a time when we confront the global rise of neo-authoritarianism, xenophobia and politically motivated violence, returning to the writing of José Saramago, ethically and socially engaged against tyrannical fundamentalisms, and re-tracing his brilliant articulation between aesthetic choices, ethical commitments, and political intervention through the literary text, is a more valuable enterprise than ever. At the same time, this volume’s republication offers the benefit of building on its existing contribution to research on Saramago by making its contents accessible to a new generation of scholars world-wide. This revised edition takes especial account of how Saramago’s literary output has become both more widely available and more widely studied in the English language.

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